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Kav Halacha

139 Classes

Kav Halacha is the Worldwide Bais Horaah for all English speaking communities. Founded over a decade ago, Kav Halacha now receives thousands of calls each week, with nearly 100 Poskim available at any time of the day or night, ready to pasken shailos. With Rabbonim answering from Eretz Yisroel, Lakewood, New York, Los Angeles, London, Melbourne and Johannesburg, Kav Halacha provides a 24 hour solution to timely shailos. The accessibility of Kav Halacha – [732-707-6666 in the USA, 0553-200-200 in EY, 020-4538-4538 in the UK/EU] has attracted callers from all over the world, enhancing the shemiras halacha of tens of thousands of families!

Kav Halacha works in partnership with experts to answer specialized shailos including a dedicated line for the Sephardic community –Ext 2, a Choshen Mishpat line with Dayanim Ext 3, a Kashrus line coordinated with major Kashrus organizations Ext 4, End-of-life and medical halachic crisis line with Chayim Aruchim Ext 5 –and an internal network of professionals and Senior Poskim for Rabbonim.

The popular Live “Common Shailos” and “ Interesting Shailos from the phones” Shailos U'Teshuvos shiurim; offer interesting and practical short questions and psak on Halacha relevant to our daily lives. featuring renowned Rabbonim. The shiurim are broadcast live on Tuesdays (sign up at and recorded on

The first step of keeping halacha or a shailah, is knowing what to ask. Kav Halacha offers listeners brief and practical halacha shiurim hosted by Torah Anytime including the 7 Minute Halacha Shiur and A year for Hilchos Shabbos Bkitzur. 

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