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Money Halacha - Short, Clear, & Practical 1-4 Minute Videos

29 Classes

The network provides VERY CLEAR & SHORT, 1 - 4 minute videos on practical everyday cases of Monetary Halacha (aka Choshen Mishpat) for all men and women. Video topics range from those such as Amazon Shipping with Guaranteed Saturday Delivery, Scratching a Parked Car, Hiring and Paying Cleaning Help (on Shabbat as well), "Borrowing" WiFi or Parking Spots, E-Commerce (web shopping), Damaging Other People's Items, and many other practical cases which come up in your regular day. All content is 100% free to watch, listen, and read. Join the many thousands who get notified of each new video release (for FREE) by clicking the "follow" button on the Money Halacha video page on Other free sign up options such as Email, Podcasts, Whatsapp (admin-locked), or Linkedin, are available on the main website which hosts (free) all previously released videos, audio, and transcriptions at Headed by R’ Binyamin Ghermezian, the Money Halacha network has grown from a daily live Skype class for a small office in Manhattan, to a worldwide multi-channeled halacha service for men and women of all ages and backgrounds, covering topics in all areas of Jewish life. Content is culled directly from authoritative halachic works (quoted in each video) as well as from partner organizations and Batei Dinim such as the Business Halacha Institute. Halacha questions are freely accepted 24 hours a day conveniently via  Email or WhatsApp and are answered by expert Poskim/Dayanim

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R' Binyamin GhermezianCan I Reuse A Stamp?