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R' Yaakov Rahimi

685 Classes

Rabbi Yaakov Rahimi grew up in Lakewood, NJ. He's a graduate of Deal Yeshiva, and went on to learn for several years in the prominent Lakewood Yeshiva, Bet Midrash Gavoha. Rabbi Rahimi is a very close talmid of Rabbi Yeruchem Olshin shlita, and Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita. Over the years he had the zchut of taking part of the big Halachic project Mishna Berura Tiferet, which is a collection of all the Sephardic poskim on the Mishna Berura. The rabbi is currently involved in the Chazaq and Torah Anytime organizations, among others including NCSY, BJX, and Partners in Torah. For any comments or questions Rabbi Rahimi can be reached

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