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R' Shalom Arush

28 Classes

Rabbi Shalom Arush is not your typical orthodox rabbi. Born in Morocco, he made aliya with his parents at age thirteen. After graduating high-school, he served in the Israeli Defense Force\'s elite naval rescue unit as an airborne combat-medic, where he took part in many clandestine missions. After completing his three year stint in the service, Rabbi Arush attended university, majoring in economics. During that time, five of his closest friends were killed in a helicopter crash while carrying out an army mission. At their funerals, the Rabbi wondered about the seeming futility of life. This tragedy was the catalyst for a complete metamorphosis in the Rabbi\'s outlook on the world, and eventually led to him discovering the truth of Torah and mitzvot. Rabbi Arush studied in several yeshivot until he finally discovered Breslev and studied under Rabbi Eliezer Berland. Rabbi Berland was so impressed with Rabbi Arush, that he asked him to be his personal assistant. Together with Rabbi Berland, Rabbi Arush learned with such Breslever giants as Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Bender zt”l and Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro zt”l . Rabbi Eliezer Berland urged his protégé to move to Jerusalem to begin bringing his fellow Jews closer to G-d. With his teacher\'s blessings, Rabbi Arush established Chut Shel Chessed Institutions twenty years ago. Rabbi Arush also travels around the world, lecturing on Judaism and Breslev. In his lectures, Rabbi Arush focuses on Rebbe Nachman\'s teachings on developing a strong trust in our Creator and in improving personal relationships, both within and outside of the home. Among Rabbi Arush\'s students, which number in the thousands, are famous actors and singers who left the glitter of secularism to lead a Torah-true life. Some of the actors and singers are using their talents to bring their fellow Jews to Torah. (Shuly Rand, of the Oscar–winning movie, “Ushpizin”, (2004) is among the Rabbi’s students and followers.

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