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R' YY Jacobson

1,270 Classes

One of America’s premier Jewish scholars in Torah and Hashkafah, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (YY) Jacobson is one of the most sought after speakers in the Jewish world today. He lectures to Jewish and non-Jewish audiences on six continents and in fifty states, and serves as teacher and mentor to tens of thousands across the globe. He is considered one of the most successful, passionate, and mesmerizing communicators of Judaism today, culling his ideas from the entire spectrum of Torah, Niglah and Nistar, and making them relevant to contemporary audiences.

Rabbi Jacobson founded and serves as Dean of, where he teaches, via the web, some of the most popular Torah classes in the world. He serves as a Maggid Shiur at Beth Medrash Ohr Chaim, in Monsey, NY. To watch or listen to his daily live classes, or to find all of the source sheets, archived classes, and class comments, please visit To see a schedule of all his classes and lectures, please click here:

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