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R' Zvi Zimmerman

425 Classes
Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman is the Mashgiach Ruchani and a maggid shiur for the Bais Medrash at Skokie Yeshiva, Bais Midrash LaTorah. Rabbi Zimmerman also serves as the Associate Rav for Bais Chaim Dovid in Lincolnwood, Illinois. Previoulsy he was the co-founder of the Yeshiva Program at Adas Yeshurun, for students of college age who want to further their studies, which closed its doors in 2014. This chumash shiur started in Yeshivas Bais Yisroel in Yerushalayim in 2000 and remained there until he moved back to Chicago in 2005. Since then, the shiur has been given in Mikor Chaim (a night seder program in Chicago), Skokie Yeshiva, and Congregation Adas Yeshurun. Recently the shiur has been moved to Bais Chaim Dovid at 8:30 pm every Thurday. For questions or comments Rabbi Zimmerman can be reached by email at
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